Meet the owner of Hammer Apparel, Amaya Hamilton. Motivated by her late brother, Elijah Hamilton, Amaya is dedicated to promoting a positive mindset while managing his brand.
“A few years ago, my brother Elijah, discovered his own brand called ‘Hammer Apparel’. Hammer was one of his many nicknames; Hammy, Hammdog, Black Hammer, and Ham. He felt that the idea of wearing his own brand would be unique and different. And if you knew my brother, you knew that he was not afraid to be different, hence the slogan #WeDoThingsDifferently. I remember the day that he came home and told my parents and I about his ideas with pure excitement on his face. We just exchanged looks with each other and laughed because we didn’t think that he was actually serious. However, he was dead serious. He said, “How many people do you know on a personal level that wear their own brand?”. I will never forget the enthusiasm and love he had put into this brand.
Eventually, he had started putting the logo on some of his sweatshirts, t-shirts, and hats. He literally wore Hammer Apparel every single day, whether it was just a hat or his whole entire outfit. As time went on, he created social media accounts (Instagram, Twitter, and a YouTube channel) to help motivate and encourage others. Elijah found that helping others brought him a sense of happiness. He made motivational Monday posts and videos to help others start the week off on a positive note. At the beginning of 2017, he started selling his clothing online.
After Elijah passed away in late 2018, I decided to keep his brand going in his legacy. I felt that this would be a wonderful way to keep his memory alive. I have taken over the Hammer Apparel social media accounts to continue the motivational posts. I also designed this website to continue to sell apparel. My intent is to show the world the type of person that my brother was by sharing some of his positive words. He has inspired me to spread positivity and I would like to inspire others to do the same. Losing Elijah has put a lot of things into perspective for me. I’ve learned that life is short. I’ve learned to love my family and friends while I can. I’ve learned that your whole entire world can flip upside down in the blink of an eye. I’ve learned that you’re going to face obstacles in life that you can’t control, but those obstacles are what allow you to grow”.
- Amaya Hamilton